The Cost Of Regulatory Compliance Has Gotten Out Of Hand.

Like most people, when I was growing up I was taught all business was subject to licensing and regulation by government entities and agencies. Regulatory compliance was just a part of the cost of doing business. Although I really wasn’t happy turning over my profits to government so that I could have the ability to operate my business, I simply didn’t know there was another option.

In the early 1990’s, while working as a police officer and operating my own business, I started studying law. It wasn’t long before I was almost consumed by what I was learning. I had never been taught that there are 2 different domains for business. I had never been informed of the difference between the public domain and the private domain. Nobody ever coached me on how to do business in the private domain. I simply didn’t know that the private domain even existed.

As I continued to learn, I was finding that people have the ability to operate their own business completely outside of the jurisdiction of government at all levels and remain outside of the jurisdiction of public law. People have the ability to operate without the cost of regulatory compliance, government intrusion, and keep their business entirely within the private domain.

At first I thought this cant be right. If it were, more people would know they have an option. As time, and immersion in study went on I became more aware of the right to operate within the private domain and began learning how that right is guaranteed and protected by The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), The United States Constitution, and The Canadian Charter of Rights.

I thought that discovering the private domain and the ability to operate within the private domain may be secured by the aforementioned documents but surely the State and Courts are not going to allow you to operate outside of the regulation of public law. Are they?

I began finding a significant amount of case law to support the rights of a person to operate within the private domain through a Private Association or a Private Membership Association (PMA). The protections of the private associations were most heavily litigated in the courts during the 1950’s and 1960’s, and to my surprise, I was finding that the courts consistently upheld the right to association being synonymous with the right to assemble, which is a right guaranteed under international law by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Guaranteed under U.S. law by the United States Constitution and U.S. case law, and guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights. The single exception to exercising this right is if there exists a “clear and present danger of a substantial evil”. As long as your association is not following Jim Jones and teaching people to drink the grape kool-aid, government does not have the lawful ability to intervene or interfere with the activities of your private association. These are the same rights and protections that allow associations such as The American BAR Association, The NAACP, The scouting associations and others to operate outside of public law and to be governed only by their founding documents and bylaws. I couldn’t believe what I was learning. I knew this was information people should know and I knew that I had to make an effort to educate everyone else on what I was learning. I felt like I wanted to start shouting from rooftops. People have a choice but we are no longer educated to know that we have a choice.

When I first started helping people to establish their business within the private domain, and helping existing businesses to restructure within the private domain, it wasn’t a business effort for me. It was simply a side project. A means of helping others to learn what I had learned without having to invest decades into the study of law and helping them to implement the protections they didn’t even know they have.

Before long, I found out that there are others out there that are familiar with the protections of operating within their own PMAs. I also found that there are companies out there that are charging people $10,000 to $25,000 or more for the creation of a private association. Whats even worse is that the associations they are forming are created in a manner which brings them back under the jurisdiction of statutory compliance, which eliminates most of the protections associated with a private association to start with. A properly formed PMA can never be created with founding documents that make them subject to statutory compliance. That simply takes your PMA into the public domain and allows for government intrusion and regulation to be imposed upon your business. People were paying large amounts of money and without knowing they were doing it, they gave up their protections and made themselves, and their business, subject to public law again.

That’s when I decided to use my PMA to establish the business of helping people to learn and helping them to form their own PMA. PMA’s that are not created in a manner to give up their protections. In my mind, I simply couldn’t justify charging clients the extreme amounts I had seen others charging. In most cases there is no justification for those extreme charges other than greed. I believe every person has a right to be fairly compensated for their labor however taking advantage of others by charging them extreme amounts just cannot be justified. PMA Power is changing that. We are educating people and charging what we consider fair compensation rates to our clients. We took a risk that we may be considered a “discount service provider” and be viewed as a business offering incomplete protections but it was a risk I was willing to take. Especially considering the only alternative would be to gouge my clients and severely overcharge for services.

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